
Organization and conduct of practices at the department of Fine arts and design

The most important partners of WKSU are the leaders of the practice bases, which number more than three hundred - these are organizations and educational and cultural institutions, financial organizations, manufacturing enterprises, foreign companies, local governments, law enforcement agencies, trade organizations, small enterprises, etc. The joint activity of the university and practice bases is aimed at implementing the most important tasks in the field of quality - ensuring the connection of education and production. According to the results of the practices, surveys of the leaders of the practice bases, the content of the educational program is systematically updated, new educational trajectories are developed. Expected results from the implementation of the Strategy and Policy in the field of quality are the maintenance of a competitive system of higher and postgraduate education at WKSU; improving the quality of education; integration of education, science and production in the region on the basis of WKSU; creation of infrastructure to ensure scientific and innovative educational activities; maintaining a stable financial position of the university.

The leaders of the practice bases are the employers of the department who are members of the Council of employers of WKSU, this is Negmetov Zh. - Director of the city children's art school named after S.Gumarov, Khuspanova Zh. - Director of the fashion house "Maria-Khanum", Taskaliev A. - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the College of Music named after Kurmangazy, Babieva T. - director of the design studio "ART-DECO" and others.

01405 Fine arts and drawing (5В010700 Fine arts and drawing), direction - "Education", pedagogical practice, continuous practice, museum practice and plein air.

6В02106 Decorative art (5В041700 Decorative art), direction - "Art", production practice.

DP 6B02107 Design (5B042100 Design), 6B02108 Fashion and costume design, 6B02109 Interior design, direction - “Art”, production practice.

For all types of practice, the department has programs, as well as teaching aids - 2015 (Kainbaeva Zh., Davletova B.).

The quality of the basic facilities for practicing meets the requirements, agreements are concluded with enterprises in the city and the region, including enterprises such as: Design Studio "ART-DECO", Fashion House "Maria-Khanum", Art Gallery "Tekemet", Children's Art School named after S.Gumarov, LLP "MAESTRO" Architectural Design Studio, "Kumbez" LLP, "Kulman" LLP, "Women Art Design", LLP "Serik", LLP "Batys Synap Energo Montazh", "Rapid" Architectural Design Workshop, city comprehensive schools. The organization and educational-methodical management of students' practice is carried out by the department, which appoints leaders and summarizes the results of practical training in the framework of the concluded agreements.

The leadership of the university makes every effort to ensure the employment of graduates and maintain continuous communication with them. Thanks to close cooperation with the enterprises of the region and the region, young specialists are given a unique opportunity to undergo practical training at their proposed place of work. Practicing the passage of pedagogical practice with further employment in schools in the region. During practice, some students are already working as teachers. Students of specialty 5В042100 “Design” - designers, 5В041700 “Decorative art” - masters of applied art, and can also work as technology teachers in schools in the city and region, in out-of-school work centers, if they have been trained as part of an additional educational program in “Labor technology” organized at the department through the Center for Continuing Education WKSU named after M.Utemisov.

A part of the educational process of the Department of Fine Arts and Design is pedagogical practice, which forms the basis for the interaction of theoretical and practical training of 3.4-year students studying in the specialty 5B010700 "Fine Art and Drawing." The practice is organized on the basis of assigning a group of students to educational institutions of general and primary vocational education. Teachers of the first and highest categories of educational institutions are involved as organizers of the practice.

Goals and objectives of teaching practice

Pedagogical practice is organized as part of a holistic educational process with the aim of developing readiness for independent activity in the field of development, training and education of students as subjects of the educational process. The fields of activity of a specialist in the field of fine arts are teaching, scientific and methodological, social and educational, and cultural and educational.

The result of pedagogical practice is pedagogical skill, which is understood as the level of professionalism of a teacher of fine art, which includes knowledge of the subject of “fine art”, the formation of methodological skills and the development of motivational and personal sphere.

Our trainees are trying to fully prove themselves. They are able to realize the goals and objectives of the lesson: trainees show their bright organizational talents and activities in the lesson: they are able to maintain discipline, distribute attention, involve all students in the work, and maintain interest in the subject. 

Student weekly load distribution

  1. Scheduled lessons (4-5 hours).
  2. Visiting the lessons of teachers and students-trainees (6 hours).
  3. Analysis of own lessons and lessons of students (4 hours).
  4. Analysis of the lesson plan, selection of teaching aids for the lesson (4 hours).
  5. Consultations with teachers of departments (group leader) (4 hours).
  6. Work with the class (2 hours daily)

Pedagogical practice of 4 year students

Objectives of teaching practice:

-  completion of the readiness for independent work as a teacher of fine art, class teacher;

- improving the teaching style;

- the development of evaluative skills as the basis for improving pedagogical activity;

- improvement of educational work;

- collection of experimental material.


Zharasova Danagul - 3rd year student, 1st grade “What is sculpture?” p. Koskol


Lesson on the topic: “An experiment with different methods of monoprint, monotype and stuffing”

Sarmukanova Ainagul, specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing", Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics, Uralsk 

The list of reporting documentation:

(Content of student portfolio - trainee)

  1. Section of information on preparation for practice
  • Title page (student photo, name, year of birth, address, phone, university, faculty, department, group, methodologist, date)
  • Diagnostics to prepare for practice (Assessment and self-esteem)
  • Individual student plan
  1. Information section (information on the base of practice)
  • school information
  • class information
  • timetable
  • plan of the class teacher (curator) and subject

ІІІ. Methodical Section

  • Documentation Samples
  • calendar plans for the subject and educational activities
  • Synopsis (didactic materials with visual aids):
  1. lessons
  2. Event summary (on the subject, extracurricular activities)

ІҮ. Psychological - pedagogical section

  • Characteristic per student
  • Characteristic per class
  • Psychological research program and adjustment

Ү. Reflection and Evaluation

Lesson Analysis:

  • lessons attended by a student
  • introspection of your lesson
  • analysis of the student’s lesson (classmates, methodologists)
  • practice report
  • monitoring student behavior during practice
  • recall of classmates and teachers
  • portfolio assessment

ҮІ. Summary Section and Assessment

  • student characterization
  • copy of the protocol of the school teacher's council
  • statement of final assessment in practice.
  • letters, diplomas, etc.
  • internship certificate

Experienced teachers of the department who have rich experience in completing and leading practice in secondary schools are appointed methodologists to guide the practice. They attend art classes and conduct methodological analysis, directing trainees to effective pedagogical activity. Under the guidance of experienced methodologists, student practitioners try to apply a wide variety of innovative methods and techniques, making visual art lessons very interesting and exciting.

Methodist from the department senior lecturer Khamzin T., school teacher Mr.Kevin, subject subject Kulbekova Zh., as well as interns

3rd year student Unaeva Bibigul, pottery circle.

The training is conducted by a 3rd year student Nurlybaev Lyaila


Nasіpkalikyzy Aidana - Atyrau region, Inder village

Aitmukhanova Akku-Atyrau region, Kulsary district

Consultants of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology:

  • provides methodological assistance in the organization and conduct of educational work.
  • advises on the organization and conduct of pedagogical observations.
  • organizes collective and individual consultations for students on all types of work planned by them for the period of practice.
  • checks practice documentation.
  • holds consultation on the program of practice before the installation conference at the university;
  • holds consultation on the program of practice before the installation conference at the university;
  • provides students with educational work with students;
  • advises students on a plan of educational work with the class, self-analysis of the lesson, checks plans and notes of educational activities, attends extra-curricular classes, analyzes and evaluates them, selectively attends students' lessons, takes part in their discussion;
  • together with the methodologists of special departments, class teacher, teachers, evaluates the work of each trainee;
  • presents a report on educational work conducted by students to the head of practice.

The results of pedagogical practice are considered at the small pedagogical council of the school.

At the end of teaching practice, a final conference is held at the department, where students-trainees tell about their impressions. Teachers from school, methodologists, as well as the head are invited to the final conference. Department, teachers subject. 

The purpose and objectives of production and undergraduate practice in DP 6B02107 Design (5B042100 Design), 6B02108 Fashion and costume design, 6B02109 Interior design, the direction of "Art".

Production and undergraduate practices are necessary for mastering the possibilities of modern production, materials, technologies, computer graphics, as well as for training specialists in advertising, design and public relations, owning theoretical knowledge.

Objectives of the practice: familiarization with the basics of professional skill, graphics, preparation for the printing process, the implementation of working and design documentation. Receptions and methods of practical work. Mastering the skills of creative search using a PC. Implementation of creative projects and the application of theoretical knowledge in design professional activities.

The place of industrial and undergraduate practice in the structure of training: For successful study and mastering of the unit of special disciplines, an important part of the educational process in the system of highly qualified specialists is practice. The main purpose of the practice is the consolidation by students of theoretical knowledge obtained at the university; obtaining practical skills, mastering modern technology and production technology; the study of methods of organizing activities and the production process in the system of design and advertising and the application of the achievements of science and technology in the innovation system; mastery of information systems and computer technology; the formation of specific ideas about the structure of various purpose organizations; the study of the functions of various departments, services and their interaction; practical application of guidance documents; study of control systems and standards; the study of the economic side of the activities of manufacturing enterprises.

At the end of the practice, the trainee is obliged to defend the report to the special commission created by order of the head of the department. The diary and the report must be signed by the head of practice from the production and secured with the seal of the organization. In addition, the trainee is obliged to provide a testimonial-feedback on the practice, as well as a certificate confirming the timing of internship in the workplace. The practice can also be carried out at WKSU named after M.Utemisov in the workshops of the department "Decorative Art and Design".

General management of the practice is carried out by the head of the department of "Fine arts and Design." For the organization and daily monitoring of the practice, each trainee is assigned a mentor from the staff of the department. The composition, scope, sequence of performance of certain types of work is established by the head of practice. 

Learner competencies resulting from internships

General cultural competencies:

  •  owns a culture of thinking, is capable of generalizing, analyzing, perceiving information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve it;
  • be guided in their activities by the modern principles of tolerance, dialogue and cooperation;

            Professional competencies

            general professional:

  • realizes the social significance of his future profession, has the motivation to carry out professional activities;
  • able to use systematic theoretical and practical knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems;

            in the field of pedagogical activity:

  • able to implement training programs of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions;
  • ready to apply modern methods and technologies, including information, to ensure the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a particular educational institution;

            in the field of cultural and educational activities:

  • able to professionally interact with participants in cultural and educational activities.

            Special competencies:

  • able to apply realistic image techniques in work on a work in various types of plastic arts;
  • able to use various means of artistic expression in the creative process;
  • is capable of realizing visual skills in working on a composition in painting, graphic arts, arts and crafts, design;
  • able to identify the conditions under which classes of fine and decorative arts contribute to the development of the student’s artistic abilities; 

Monitoring satisfaction of students, heads of advertising agencies, studios, art schools - the base of practices and employers is carried out mainly through surveys. According to the results of surveys of first-year students, DP 6B01406 –Art work and design at school, 6В01405 Fine arts and drawing based on the results of practices show more than 98% satisfaction with the results of educational practice (pedagogical). First-year students underwent continuous pedagogical practice at secondary school No. 50 (Uralsk). According to the results of surveys of the leaders of the practice bases, 100% note an increased interest of students in pedagogical activity, a quick understanding of educational processes at school; 86% - initiative, ability to put forward new ideas.

According to the survey, the percentage of a positive assessment of the quality of vocational training of graduates in the educational programs of the department by employers averages about 80%.

Graduates of the department are in high demand, as evidenced by the presence at the department of fine arts and design letters of appreciation from employers and feedback from heads of secondary schools, educational centers and advertising agencies of the city. Personnel are being trained for various fields of education, artistic and creative activities and the design industry of the city.
