Every year in September, a plan for career guidance and activities with basic schools is developed and approved. Responsible teachers are appointed to conduct career guidance work in schools in the city and district. Responsible for career guidance of the department is a teacher Katchekova Sh.
Career guidance of the department is carried out in different directions. Teachers of the department are responsible for their work: they closely cooperate with secondary schools in cities and districts, send graduates when choosing a future profession, conduct consultations on the specialties of fine art and drawing, design, decorative art, and also explain the requirements for creative exams. Teachers Tleukhanov N., Kapakov G., Khamzin T., Sarmanbekov T., Vorozheykina O., Moldasheva B., Ispanova A., Abdeshev A., Dyusenbaev A., Sarmanbekov S. They carry out campaigning work for graduates of schools No. 1, 2, 9, 21, 26, 41, 49, the Waldorf school-gymnasium, the aesthetic school-gymnasium, and for students of the Kurmangazy College of Music and the J. Dosmukhamedov Pedagogical College.
During the pedagogical practice, students of 3-4 years of the specialty fine art and drawing take part in conducting creative exhibitions, competitions, master classes for teachers and students of the school, organize meetings with 11th grade students. At these meetings, they talk about the educational programs of the department, prospects in the professional sphere, about student life, about new prospects in training and the program of academic mobility among students of Kazakhstani universities, about the opportunity to undergo semester studies in universities of near and far abroad.
Every year, work is carried out with the branches of the department. Lecturers of the department сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor Utegenov I., candidate of philosophy, associate professor Tleukhanov N and senior lecturer Bazarbaeva A. conduct master classes for graduates of the College of Music named after Kurmangazy and teacher training college named after Zh.Dosmukhamedov.
The idea of the workshops is to inspire young and talented people to give birth to new ideas, create creative sketches, innovative projects and give them practical advice.
Associate Professor Utegenov I. in the framework of information about entrance exams in creative specialties, factors influencing the choice of profession, areas of professional activity and possible employment, types of professional activity, prospects for the development of different design areas, he also identified the main mistakes of young designers in entrance exams for drawing and gave advice on how avoid them. He held a master class on the topic “The Modern Direction of the Urban Planning Structure”, where he described in detail the main provisions of urban planning, problems and prospects for the development of megacities and large cities in Kazakhstan.
Professor Vorozheykina O. held a master class on the subject "Fundamentals of Design and Computer Graphics" actively involved students in the conversation. Students and teachers of the college expressed their opinions on various professional issues. Those who were interested could get a consultation on the author's sketches, consultations on the creation of artistic images, corporate identity. A number of techniques for quickly creating and processing images on a PC were also shown. The possibilities of computer technology in creating modern and innovative projects are shown. The features of such programs were highlighted: Photoshop, 3DMAX, Cinema 4d, Revit, Blender, Rhino.
Senior Lecturer Bazarbaeva A. held a substantive master class on the topic "Modern Architecture of Residential and Public Buildings", spoke about modern innovations in environmental design. She showed a meaningful presentation on the achievement of modern architecture. The design of the architectural environment is a type of project activity included in the general system of culture, in the system of “private” designs aimed at creating separate forms and complexes of real object-spatial objects. The senior lecturer held a master class on creating a polygonal heart shape using papercraft for students. Papercraft is a model whose reamers are cut out and glued together. Today, this technique is very popular, and allows you to create various 3D-models, animal heads and other decor items. Senior teacher noted that creative luggage is one of the most important life attributes of a modern young designer.
The event was organized with the support of the Department of Fine Arts and Design, which, within the framework of Internet computer, unites young promising professionals with the goal of their effective communication in real life.
Every year, the faculty of culture and art organizes a competition "Zhas Daryn." This competition is held among students in grades 10-11 and college graduates to attract talented young people to the university who have distinguished themselves by their best creative abilities. As a result, many of the participants in the competition are trained in DP 6B01405 Fine Art and Drawing, 6B01406 Artwork and Design at School, 6B02106 Decorative Arts, 6B02107 Design, 6B02108 Fashion and Costume Design, 6B02109 Interior Design.
Participants of the competition show their creative works, creative design projects.
Nomination "Fashion Design"
Nomination "Arts and crafts"
Nomination "Fine Art"
At the university on open day come graduates of schools of the city and districts. Teacher Katchekova Sh. shows the graduates the faculty of culture and art, introduces the department of fine art and design. Head of the Department of Fine Arts and Design Kaynbaeva Zh. organizes a meeting with teachers of the department and with students.
The department has a Sunday school in two areas: Creative circle "Artistic ceramics" - member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, master of arts Khabadashev N. and the circle “Artistic Weaving” - the head is undergraduate Esengalieva A.
Every year, as part of career guidance, advertising booklets and presentations are updated on the specialties of the department.
The department "Fine Arts and Design" of WKSU named after M.Utemisov is open for cooperation with the creative youth of the region.