Bissekova Kamila Yerbolatovna

магистр, преподаватель

Satibaldiev Zharas Bolatovich

Master's degree of study of art

Utegenova Gulmira Ekpinovna

Master of pedafofical sciences

Babenko Olga Aleksandrova

candidate of pedagogical sciences,  blog page

Kismetov Kuanysh Labibovich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Kazhimova Karylgash Rakhimovna

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Culture Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the specialty Pedagogy and Psychology

Yurchenko Alexander Viktorovich

Senior Lecturer Master of Education

Address: Office 104, Dostyk Ave. 137, Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region.

Phone: 87112-51-27-39
