1. Objectives: to provide conditions for obtaining high-quality professional education, professional competence in the field of performing arts;
- professional training of highly qualified and competitive specialists with high social and civil responsibility, able to effectively carry out professional activities in the following areas:
- organization of creative activity of musical groups and associations in the field of art, culture, education; teaching; practical application of theoretical knowledge;
- organization and development of creative projects in the performing sphere
musical art; organization and holding of concert programs, festivals, competitions, conferences; research work
- the ability to navigate in a complex of special, musical-theoretical
disciplines, planning and implementation of concert and performing, musical and educational activities.
1. To prepare highly qualified specialists-musicians with knowledge of the world musical culture, the basics of acoustics; the basics of a complex of special, musical-theoretical, General scientific cycles.
2. In the educational process to use advanced learning technologies and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the individual, society and the state, which are able to positively influence the development of art specialties:
- to carry out educational and methodical, research, educational activities in the field of higher and postgraduate education OP specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance based on the integration of science and education, able to provide high quality education and sustainable development of the University
- use academic mobility of students and teachers;
- conduct quality control education specialty 5В040200-Instrumental performance;
- as an alternative to use the European system of assessments, credits, diploma supplements;
- actively involve students in the formation of the educational program specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance, organization of the educational process, social work;
- apply the module structurization of educational programs in accordance with the competency approach and the Dublin descriptors;
- follow the principle-education throughout life.
3. The end result of the specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance to focus on such an indicator of the quality of training, as their demand in the labor market, career achievements.
2. Tasks:
- getting a full and high-quality professional education, professional competence in the field of performing arts;
- mastering the humanitarian culture, ethical and legal norms governing the relationship between the individual and society, as well as relations to the surrounding reality;
- education of a culture of thinking and skills on a scientific basis to organize their work, to master new educational technologies;
- formation of professional competence in the field of vocal art mastering the basics of performing skills
- students ' choice of individual education program;
- continuation of education at the next stage of higher professional education-master's degree.
The end result of the specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance to focus on such an indicator of the quality of training, as their demand in the labor market, career achievements
3.The list of additional specializations of choice within the specialty
Piano, String instruments Wind instruments
4.Qualification characteristics of bachelor of education in the specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance
- sphere of professional activity
arts, culture and education
- objects of professional activity
the objects of professional activity of graduates are: the organization of culture and art, secondary music schools
creative team;
children's art schools, children's music schools,
- types of professional activity
bachelors in the specialty 5B040200-Instrumental performance can perform the following professional activities:
- conduct performing and teaching activities;
- conduct organizational activities in art and culture organizations;
- head of the Department of the organization of art, culture and education;
- create and develop creative projects;
- to hold festivals, competitions, conferences, master classes, to carry out their information support.
- performing activities (rehearsal and concert activities as an artist of the orchestra , ensemble, on various stages).
Requirements to the level of education
Bachelor in 5b040200-Instrumental performance must have an idea:
- on instrumental performance;
- about planning and the organisation of concerts, performing, musical and educational and pedagogical activity;
- the basics of the complex of special, musical-theoretical, historical and General scientific cycles
- basics of planning, organization and implementation of concert, musical, educational and pedagogical
- to be guided in a complex of special, musical-theoretical, historical and General scientific disciplines
- to plan, organize and carry out concert-performing, musical-educational and pedagogical activities
have the skills:
- professional skill
- practical application of theoretical knowledge
- organization of concert performances
- to understand the nature and social significance of their future
profession, to show her steady interest.
- to organize own activity, to define methods and ways of performance of professional tasks, to estimate their efficiency and quality.
- solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in 5 unusual situations.
- to search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional tasks, professional and personal development.
- use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.
- work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues,
- set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with taking responsibility for the result of assignments.
- independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan training