On educational work of the Department «Traditional music and performing arts»
2018-2019 academic year
Educational work for the 2018-2019 academic year was organized according to the annual action plan and plans of the curators of the Department.
The purpose of educational work is to create a special moral and educational environment that contributes to the formation of professional competence of students with an active civil position that meets the needs and expectations of modern society.The following tasks were also solved: the formation of a sense of patriotism among young people, patriotism, moral and spiritual development, familiarization with creativity and art.
Educational work is based on the following basic principles:
- scientific, systematic, continuity and continuity of educational work;
- respect for the rights of students, democracy in solving youth problems;
- unity of training and education, connection of training with life and needs of development of society;
- coverage of all students, regardless of nationality, social status and age;
- harmonization of individual, group forms of educational work;
- creation of a favorable social and psychological climate conducive to effective functioning and stability in the educational process and the team as a whole;
The main directions of educational work:
1.civil-Patriotic and legal education
2.Research and methodological support, scientific and research work of students
3.Formation of a healthy lifestyle
4.legal education
5.Youth support
7.spiritual education, interethnic and interfaith harmony among students and teaching staff
According to the annual plan of educational work of the Department the following educational activities were organized:
I. Civil-patriotic and legal education
- On September 1, the day of knowledge students of the Department took an active part in the festive event. At the end of the festive event, a conversation was held for students of senior counselors groups about new changes in the academic year. For students of the 1st year, work was organized and carried out to familiarize with the life of the University, to inform about the training system.
-In honor of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the great kuishi Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, students of the Department took part in the procession with the participation of 1500 dombrists "Nagyz Kazak dombyra". The event was held in the framework of the program "Rouhani gear".One of the activities aimed at the further development of art among students, increasing the organizational aspects, the desire for art.
- Students of the Department took part in the events organized for the teacher's Day. Congratulations to the teaching staff of the faculty on the occasion and gave them a festive mood.The event was organized as part of the celebration of the International teacher's Day. The event was organized by students with a concert program, where students thanked the faculty and presented a bouquet of flowers.
- After hearing the Address of the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018, the students got acquainted with the state program "Year of youth". In this regard, on October 25, 2018, teachers of the Department of" traditional music and performing arts " took part in the 2019 anniversary of youth "Dombyra party" in order to introduce young people to the national culture, including through national music."the action of dombra players".
In the framework of the program "rukhani zhangyru" in the concert program "dombyra partu" were invited famous kui dauletkereya, Kurmangazy.
- A curatorial hour was held for the 25th anniversary of the national currency – tenge. The event was held within the framework of the program of RK "rukhani zhangyru".In order to familiarize students with the history of the national currency, awakening a sense of patriotism. A report on the history of the national currency was read, students were asked questions on the topic of the event.
- On November 29-30, 2018, the XIV regional competition "Zhas Daryn" was held within the program article of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev "Bolashakka bagdar: rukhani zhangyru". Students from West Kazakhstan and Aktobe regions took part in the nomination "Folk instruments-dombyra, kobyz", "folk song", "piano", "Bayan", "Accordion".
- Students of the Department took an active part in the festive events dedicated to the independence Day. These events were held with the participation of the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments and students-soloists.
- December 20, 2018 at the faculty of culture and art held an event "kobyzdyn kudireti", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the candidate of arts, associate Professor of "traditional music and performing arts" Yergalieva A. T. in the framework of the publication of the article "rukhani zhangyru" N. Nazarbayev "Uly dalanyn Zheti kyzyry". After the ceremony, a class concert was presented by Yergalieva A. T. the concert program included works by D. Shostakovich "Waltz" performed by the ensemble of kobyzists, S. Abdinurov " Baiterek» ; Zh. Rakhimov performed akan Seri "Manmanger" and performed many famous works of Kazakh and foreign composers.
- In concert events dedicated to the holiday" Nauryz", students of the Department took an active part with a festive program, with the aim of Patriotic education of the younger generation.
- There was a curatorial hour dedicated To the day of the defender of the Fatherland, a slide about the Second world war was shown to the students of the group, a conversation about war veterans was held.
- On March 16-19 there was a meeting and a master class with honored worker of Kazakhstan, composer Yermurat Usenov.
- On March 18, a meeting was held with the Professor of The national Conservatory. Kurmangazy Saparbaeva K. S.
- Many concert events dedicated to the Victory Day. Students of the Department performed many works of composers of Kazakhstan at these events.
II. Information-analytical and methodological support of educational work,
increasing the level of students ' participation in scientific work
(including the holding of scientific practical conferences, academic competitions, etc.)
- Students of the Department prepared for numerous subject Olympiads.. In order to develop creative potential, develop interest in art, students took part in competitions "Zhana Tolkyn-2018", "Dala daryndary", "Zhayyk Star-2018", "Wings" (Samara). Participation of students in international , Republican Olympiads and competitions continued the development of their performing elegance.
- Students ' articles are published in journals, scientific collections. The scientific aspects of students were revealed, the interest in scientific research was increased.
III. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
(social services, competitions and sports competitions, effective leisure activities).
- As a result of promoting a healthy lifestyle, work is being done to attract students to festive concerts, to educate the culture of performance.
IV. Ensuring social rights of students
(including ensuring access to education, health care)
(security measures
- Curatorial hour on the theme of" civility in public and educational institutions."Having got acquainted with traditions and customs of the people, students were acquainted with features of rules of ethics in educational institution, in the organizations of culture and on the street. For the purpose of education at students of morality, modesty, modesty, politeness.
- Created a database of students of the Department. Students of all groups collected information about students who can provide support to students.
V. Development and support of young talents
(contests, gifts, festivals, exhibitions)
- Students of the Department take part in national and international scientific and practical conferences of the Russian Federation (Samara, Orenburg); Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan) are prepared in international competitions, participation in,In the competition "Wings", "Ural gathers friends" in Samara
took prize-winning places. Improvement of professional skills of students of rezu - work will continue to train young talents.
VI. Internships and training of young professionals, with providing employment
"Zhasyl El" and student construction and youth labor brigades
Joint work with the Republican staff
- Employment in the regional Philharmonic. K. Kurmangalieva
In order to improve the professional skills of students, professional work was organized.
The diary , an individual plan, the report of a professional consultant, portfolio
installation work was carried out. The responsibility of the student youth
to educate, to strengthen organizational activities, Waterman studied in the work.
- Communication with children's musical school of area is adjusted, the pedagogical practice is provided.
VIII. Among students and faculty and international
for the preservation of interfaith harmony and spiritual education
realization of action
- A.A. . Kusaynov for the purpose of respect of teachers of Department-
the solemn congratulation of Yergalieva A. T. took place.
- Strengthening of the organizational and curatorial work of the Department
curatorial group meetings are held for curatorial groups. Progress of students
quality control, ratings, and discussing the results of the examination
students will be familiarized with the necessary information.
- Students took an active part in the city celebrations dedicated To the day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan, got acquainted with the history, customs and traditions of many peoples of Kazakhstan.
Traditional music and performance
senior curator of the Department art: S. Zh. Tabyldieva
Traditional music and performance
head of the Department art: A.A. Kusainov
Dean of the faculty of culture and art: K. R. Kazhimova