Faculty Management
Faculty mission:
Preservation and enhancement of the scientific, educational and training and educational traditions of one of the oldest universities of Kazakhstan, on the basis of the Eurasian ideas of intercultural dialogue and national reconciliation, allowing the West Kazakhstan state University im. M. utemisova to be the center of social, economic, cultural modernization of the region. Training of highly qualified specialists using advanced training technologies and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the individual, society and the state, which can positively influence the development of education, economy, law, art and culture, the accumulation and dissemination of humanitarian, scientific and technical knowledge.
Implementation of educational-methodical, research, educational, creative activities in the field of higher and postgraduate education on the basis of integration of science, education and production, able to provide high quality education and sustainable development of the University.
-improving the activities of the University through the creation of organizational, regulatory, personnel, software and methodological and other conditions for the integration of educational processes;
-Informatization of education and introduction of new learning technologies;
-performance of research works;
-integration into the world scientific and educational space, participation in international organizations and associations;
-education of comprehensively developed personality and patriots of the country;
-development of corporate governance and social partnership, diversification of University funding.
The structure of the faculty:
-Department of music education and vocal
-Department of traditional music and performing arts
-Department of choreography and cultural and leisure work
-Department of fine arts and design
Contact details:
Address: West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk city, Dostyk Ave. 137, 104 office.
Phone: 87112-51-27-39
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.