Classes with honored artist of Russia Ilves Nadezhda Eduardovna

From 21.10.2019 to 02.11.2019, according to the program of academic mobility, the Department of Music Education and Vocal taught classes Honored Artist of Russia, Professor, Head of the Department of Vocal Art of the Samara State Institute of Culture Ilves Nadezhda Eduardovna. Classes were held in an individual form with students of the specialties of Vocal Art and Music Education. Methodology of Professor Ilves N.E. in an accessible form helped students to reveal the features of their vocal data and they tried to perform all the tasks that the teacher posed for them. In addition to lecture and individual lessons, Professor Ilves held a master class. Also, Nadezhda Eduardovna was an honorary member of the jury of the 1st International Vocal Competition, which was held October 24-25 in the hall of the regional philharmonic. Our students also took part in the competition: Bozov Chingis and Bitimova Madina, who took 3rd place.
