Kazhimova Karylgash
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Culture Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the specialty 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology
KuanEslyamgaliev Abylkaiyr
Deputy Dean of the faculty of culture and art of educational work, Master
Khabadashev Nurdaulet
Deputy Dean on educational-methodical and scientific work Senior lecturer, Master, Member of the Union of Eurasian Designers

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The mission of the Faculty:
Preservation and enhancement of scientific, educational and educational traditions of one of the oldest universities in Kazakhstan, based on the Eurasian ideas of intercultural dialogue and national accord, allowing the West Kazakhstan State University named after M.Utemisov to be the center of social, economic, cultural modernization of the region. Training of highly qualified specialists using advanced learning technologies and modern educational infrastructure in accordance with the needs of the individual, society and the state, capable of positively influencing the development of education, economics, law, art and culture, accumulation and dissemination of humanitarian, natural science and technical knowledge.

Implementation of educational, methodological, research, educational, creative activities in the field of higher and postgraduate education based on the integration of science, education and production, capable of ensuring high quality education and sustainable development of the university.

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